a baby lying on its back

Tips for Navigating a Birth Injury Case

Navigating a birth injury claim can be tricky. If you or your child have suffered a birth injury during the delivery process, and you aren’t sure what to do next, the best thing you can do is contact a birth injury lawyer for help with a potential medical malpractice claim. In hiring an experienced birth injury lawyer to help with your case, you’ll have better odds of a favorable verdict for fair compensation for your pain and suffering and future medical expenses. For tips on how to navigate a birth injury case, read on.

Birth Injury Lawyers


The best way to begin to navigate a case involving medical negligence is to start by talking to an experienced birth injury lawyer. With years of experience in legal action and options for serious injuries, Erb’s palsy, shoulder dystocia, brain damage, umbilical cord injuries, and more, birth injury lawyers can help you with legal advice when it comes to a birth injury malpractice suit.

Maybe you live in Illinois and your child has spinal cord injuries you believe are due to medical error. Finding a good birth injury attorney in Chicago will take some pressure off. They can help with seeking fair compensation for common birth injuries and forceps injuries alike. While money might not seem like the most important thing right now, it will matter down the road as medical bills pile up. Contacting a law firm now can help protect your future, too.

Recovery and Self Care During Your Claim


After hiring a lawyer for your birth injury case, it’s important to take a step back and let them handle legal matters while you turn your attention to yourself and your baby. Many parents make the mistake of getting to wrapped up in caring for their disabled child or legal action that they forget to pay attention to their own health. Using natural healing products and engaging in simple acts of self-care like a day at the spa will go a long way in keeping your energy levels up so that you can care for your baby. Natural products meant to help you relax and escape for even a few minutes a day can make a big difference.

If you aren’t sure why a detox spa could be what you need, that’s okay, too. It’s normal for a parent to put all their energy into their new baby and dismiss their own physical and mental wellness. For nursing mothers, considering how your own health impacts your babies might be the trick in giving self-care and relaxation second thought. From the ability to lactate without pain or as a way of cleansing your body, mothers who breastfeed have fewer issues when their overall health is in check.

Assisting Your Attorney


When navigating a birth injury case, your attorney will call you asking for information. Part of a lawyer’s job is to perform an initial investigation that will involve going over your medical records. You can help your attorney by having medical records on hand as requested and signing waivers to allow them to do some information gathering of their own. In helping your lawyer, your case will move more quickly and be more likely to result in a favorable verdict.

At the end of the day, having a good birth injury lawyer on your side will help as you work through the process of a birth injury claim lawsuit. If you believe you have a medical malpractice claim due to a doctor’s negligence in the birth process or during prenatal care, don’t wait to reach out to an experienced birth injury attorney. Birth injury cases have a statute of limitations, so you’ll want to get your claim started as soon as possible. Most birth injury lawyers offer a free consultation and will be happy to meet with you about your medical malpractice situation and child’s injury. They can help you with legal options and give you hope for quality of life in the future.


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